We often find ourselves in struggle, repeating patterns that leave us in pain, loneliness, or confusion or may periodically wonder "how things got this way". We may have a relationship with our "self" that is critical, punitive, neglectful or abusive or find that our relationships continue to be a struggle without any clear reasons why.
Individual therapy provides a safe space for clients to explore and feel their way through healing within the parameters of an attuned relationship. This process allows for the individual to venture into places that may be too scary, overwhelming, or confusing to face alone.
In the process we work through unresolved losses, internal conflicts, and unmet childhood needs that may be contributing to present-day struggles. We work together to overcome adversity or crisis and build on strengths that may be unseen or underutilized so that a more secure self can develop and relationships can improve. We explore deeper truths that may still lie unconscious and what your path is to a more meaningful experience of life.
The commitment made to weekly therapy is one that you make to yourself, for yourself, and the vulnerable act of beginning the process is one that only you can follow through on.
attachment trauma
family of origin issues
struggles with sense of self/identity
struggles in relationship
struggles finding a path
failure to launch
If you have been diagnosed with:
Major Depression
Anxiety Disorder
Personality Disorder